Servette Physiotherapy and Osteopathy Centre

Our centres of physiotherapy in Geneva

Discover our physiotherapy and osteopathy centres in Geneva, dedicated to your health and well-being. 

Each centre is staffed by qualified and dedicated practitioners, offering quality care tailored to your specific needs. 

Whether you are looking for rehabilitation treatments, manual therapies or pain relief solutions, our centres are there to offer you personalised solutions. 

Profitez d’une approche holistique et d’un environnement accueillant pour votre guérison. 

Find your nearest centre and book an appointment now for better health and mobility.

Servette Physiotherapy and Osteopathy Centre

Located "Rue de la Servette 57", in the heart of Geneva city centre. The Servette Centre is accessible by tram from the "Poterie" stop. A team of 8 qualified practitioners welcome you.